Over 250,000 Girl Scouts descended on the Washington Mall last Saturday. I know that I am stating the obvious here, but a quarter of a million people is an incredibly large amount of people. There were Girl Scouts everywhere you looked. I felt like a Girl Scout ant.
You can't capture that many people in a single picture, but here was my widest angle:
Here's a photo of the crowd projected from the stage:
We had a grand time acting like silly tourists and riding the carousel.

Through the magic of cell phones (set on vibrate because it was way too loud to hear a phone ring) we successfully met up with a few of our friends from the Great Valley Service Unit. I still find this a bit miraculous given how many people were there. We spent the afternoon with our friends, wandering among the hoards of Girl Scouts trading SWAPs and meeting girls from at least 30 different states and Canada. The swapping was fast and furious for a few hours, and the girls came home with some amazing treasures, including a hand-painted dessert scene from a new friend from Arizona, a tiny bag of sand and seashells from south Florida, and a beautiful hand-made piece of (foam) birthday cake from Minnesota.
It was over 90 degrees on Saturday, and it was HOT on the mall. Really, really HOT. After about 3 hours swapping and sweating on the Mall, the girls and I decided it was time to find some ice cream and some shade. We paid outrageously high prices for ice cream treats from a DC vender, and I tell you the ice cream was worth every penny.
We made our way back to the Metro, found our car, and started to drive home. But I was sooooo tired, I knew I needed some coffee. So we stopped at.....
......The WAFFLE HOUSE restaurant, if you're loosely defining the word restaurant. I asked the girls if they wanted breakfast for dinner, and you'd have thought they won the lottery. "Breakfast for dinner?? You are the best mom ever!!!!" Honestly, that might have been the best coffee and bacon I ever ate. Probably also, the greasiest dinner ever. But, what is a road trip without a greasy diner visit, right?!
To cap off the end to our adventure, Abby lost a tooth at the Waffle House, so here is her new smile, less one canine tooth.
Overall, ROCK THE MALL was a neat experience. It was hot, crowded, exhausting, and crazy, but we would totally do it again (now that I've had a week to recover and reflect)!