Thursday, September 2, 2010

Conversational Whiplash

Now that my girls are back at school, I think Ben is a little lonely. Fortunately, he has me for constant companionship, and he is taking this opportunity to discuss all thoughts that pop into his mind, unfiltered.

Here is a one-minute excerpt of our conversation in the car this morning on our wild goose chase for reasonably priced polyester cording:

Ben:  "Mom, who is Grandad's baby?"
Me: "Daddy is Grandma and Grandad's baby. So are Uncle Andy and Uncle Tim."
Ben:  "What about Cortney?"
Me: "Cortney has different parents who live in South Carolina."
Ben: "Does Cortney's dad have pointy hair?"
Me:  "No, I don't think Cortney's dad has much hair at all."
Ben: "What noise do fish make?"
Me: "No noise, fish are quiet in the water.  Except for dolphins and whales, but they aren't really fish."
Ben:  "Mom, can you make a fish face?"
Me: "Not while I'm driving."
Ben: "When are you going to take me to South Carolina?"
Me: "Not anytime soon -- it's a long drive."
Ben (after short screaming burst about not going to South Carolina): "Mom, do you think that Aquaman and Superman are friends?"
Mom: "How about we listen to the radio?"
Ben: "No, let's talk more about Superheroes."
Mom: Sigh.

On Day 4 of these whirlwind conversations, I'm already starting to have trouble focusing on a topic for more than two sentences.  So, if you plan to call, don't mind me if I can't seem to finish my...

what was I saying?

....oh right....thoughts.

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