Thank goodness for the neighbors and for the gym, which remained open all week with their Kidzone fully staffed. Nothing like a nice run or yoga or an exercise class or a long swim to take a break. Or all of those. Actually, maybe it was good we had such a strange week -- I got in a LOT of exercise. Also, I had time to take the girls to get haircuts, start the taxes, and catch up on some paperwork. And, Caroline celebrated her birthday yesterday with Grandma & Pops (her third party, lucky girl!). So, the week summary: a lot of snow/ice and a lot of parties.
Happy Family Portrait
I've also been listening to Abby do dry runs of her "How to Make a Salad" oral presentation (over and over and over again). On the plus side, I'm thrilled she was willing to work on this project early and practice every day (unlike last year's oral presentation). On the bad side, I have learned that there are only so many times I can really attentively listen to the same speech. I'm thinking back to grade school when everyone in our school had to compete in oratorical contests sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, with great topics like "I Think the Best, I Expect the Best" and "Optimism: A Way of Life". Now I'm realizing just how excruciatingly painful that process must have been for my parents who had to listen to countless repetitions of those speeches (which we had to memorize!). I practiced those speeches so much, that I still remember some of my opening lines.
On an unrelated topic, Ben has been regularly cracking me up this week. Here's an exchange over lunch yesterday.
Ben: "Mom, can I have that Chinese cheese for lunch?"
Mom: "What??"
Ben: "That Chinese cheese. You know, it's white and lumpy."
Mom: "Oh! You mean COTTAGE cheese."
Ben: "Yes, I want college cheese for lunch."
Mom: "Not College, Cottage. Like a little house. College is school."
Ben: "I definitely do not want to go to college."
Mom: "Yes you do. College is lots of fun and you can study whatever you like."
Ben: "Fine. I'll go to college. But, I want Chinese cheese for lunch."
Mom (sighs): "Chinese cheese it is."
Caroline Modeling New Haircut,
(In Snow, Naturally with a Skirt on)
Mr. Hilarity Himself, Always A Perfect Angel
too cute, too cute. I now have a new name for cottage cheese.