Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lacrosse Opening Day

Finally!  It is opening day for my lacrosse officiating season.  It has felt like a million years since I got my new rating in July.  I have two high school games today to warm up for the college officiating season which starts for me on Saturday.  The more experienced college officials (read "really good officials") that work Division 1 games started a few weeks ago, but I'm quite happily taking my whistle to a Division III game this weekend.  I'm thankful that I have several high school games to knock the cobwebs out of my head between now and then. It's pretty much a given that I will do something really stupid this afternoon, and I'll probably get yelled at. But, then I will pretend to be deaf.  My children have helped me practice this skill all winter.  Selective hearing.  It is really a tremendous skill --- for all professions. 

So, in just a few short hours, I will be running around in the sunshine, and having everyone STOP when I blow the whistle.  It's really magical those first few whistle blows.  STOP.  STOP.  STOP.  If only that worked at home!

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo!!! Good luck. Kick some serious Lacrosse Butt!!!!!
