Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's Wacky Wednesday!

What does this mean in our house?  Absolutely nothing!

Today is Wacky Wednesday at Caroline's preschool, which means she's supposed to dress 'wackily' -- crazy hair, mismatched clothes, mismatched socks.  General mayhem.

I took Caroline upstairs to help her pick out an appropriately wacky outfit for the festivities.  My first selection was rainbow striped pants paired with a white shirt with rainbow polka-dot hearts and a wide-striped sweater.  Then I realized it.  That's Caroline's favorite outfit.  For real. 

Every day is wacky wednesday for her.  One time her preschool teacher even commented to me one time how she loves what a "free spirit" Caroline is and how wonderful it is that I let her "express herself" through her dress.  (I think this might have been the day she paired brown striped knee-highs with her red velvet Christmas dress.)  I'm assuming this self expression good thing right now because it's a little embarrassing when we go out in public.  I guess I should worry if Caroline switches to Goth, right?? 

So, for Wacky Wednesday we ended up with mismatched socks, rainbow striped pants, a polka-dot shirt, and a sweater with rainbow cuffing.  This still looked too much like "regular" Caroline apparel, so we put 7 ponytails in her hair.  We tried putting a bathing suit top over the polka-dot shirt, but this offended Caroline's fashion sensibilities.  "No, Mom, we can't wear something like that."  

Fortunately, Ben still lets me pick out his outfits since he can't reach his shirt drawer. Of course all outfits I select are paired with his yellow rain boots.  Abby is usually more conventionally dressed, but still there are a few days I want to give her a big "I picked out my own outfit" sticker for school.  Yesterday:  royal blue knee-highs, navy blue skirt with daisy flowers, and a teal bohemian style top.  Yikes.  I mentioned to Abby she might want to re-think the outfit.  "But Mom, they're all blue!"  So, I slapped on a sticker on her and put her on the bus.    

1 comment:

  1. we just got that book out of the library on Monday! my kids are obsessed with it!
