Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Morning Conversation with Ben

Each morning I wake up to a shower of love and kisses -- but not from whom you'd expect.  With uncannily consistent timing, Ben wanders into my room every morning between 6:45 and 6:53am.  Scott is already out of bed getting ready, so Ben climbs under the covers with me and loves me.  Sometimes he'll use my arm as a pillow and drift right off back to sleep for a few more minutes, but more often he gently pats my face or kisses me or whispers that he loves me into my ear.  Not to brag, but I must say it is an absolutely outstanding way to start the day.  Warm toddler love is delightful.

And fleeting.  Little boys don't stay sleepy and still for long.  Soon after the lovin', it's time to use the covers for rocket ships or monster protection, or alternately, it's time to jump on the bed  Isn't that what you want to do within 5 minutes of waking up in the morning?  Oh to have that kind of energy again!

This morning, though, Ben was feeling chatty.  A few execerpts:

Ben:  "Mom, why do you wear that ring?"
Mom:  "I wear it because I'm married to Daddy.  It's my wedding ring."
Ben: "I'm married to you too, Mommy.  I'm going to the grocery store and buy a ring too.  A LOT of rings."

Mom:  "Ben, how are you tootsies [feet] right now? I ask because they are currently kicking me in the ribcage."
Ben: "Oh, they're just fine.  They're just hanging out."

On a completely unrelated note, does anyone know how to get rid of the smell of garlic?  A certain beloved grandparent used a garlic jar for storing polished rocks and even after a long 24-hour soapy soak the rocks still reek of garlic.  Ideas??  They're potent!  Will the smell just dissipate after a while??  The rocks are quite a hit in every other way, though.  Not to worry :-)