Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer Highlights So Far....

Kayaking at Marsh Creek

Backyard Camping

Backyard Camping -- with FIRE!

Longwood Gardens

Ben cheering at Longwood Gardens.....
after the very accommodating staff successfully retrieved Ben's hat from an off-limits fountain area....
where he just happened to drop his hat.....(thank you facilities team!)

Dragon Ride at Malvern Fair

Abby: Top Right Row;  Mom:  Out of Shot, Eyes Covered

We're all still here and the kids are certainly enjoying their summer.  We've had a chance to do lots of other wonderful things that I didn't capture on film, like rafting on the Lehigh River and trips to grandparents' houses. 

However, as the dearth of posts would suggest, I must admit that I have lost a bit of my blogging "mojo" of late.  I've tried to think of a way to put this into words, but three weeks later I'm still struggling to think of a way to express myself clearly.  Even now, I'm at a loss for the right words.  The bottom line, though, is that I'm just tired. Not the sleep-deficit-variety of tired, but a deeper kind of tired.  During the school year, when things are running at full speed, I didn't make take time to reflect.  But, now that things have mercifully slowed down, I've had a chance to contemplate how the "things" (family, friends, volunteer commitments, the house, etc.) are and where they are going.  I have decided we, at least I, need a course correction.  I'm still trying to figure out where I fit into the mix because the pace from last year was not sustainable. I'm still searching for answers.

1 comment:

  1. Totally get this. I always find myself in the same place mentally EVERY summer, and I also have a difficult time writing. Creatively, I am sapped and I know it's because of all the other junk rattling around in my head right now. BUT looking forward to hanging out with you guys in a few weeks at the BBQ.
