Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Everyone Once in a While.... kids are really, really good.  And now, I have photographic evidence.

Here's Caroline reading a book to Ben (which, by the way, was completely her idea).  I found them like this after I finished folding a load or six of laundry. 

And then I found Abby with her nose in a book in the other room:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Name That Flower (anyone?)

Does anyone happen to know what the name of this flower is?  I'm stumped.  The plant is about 3 feet tall, and started flowering a few weeks ago and still has prolific blooms.  We have a second plant that has the same flowers with a more pinkish tinge.  We have two areas with these pretty flowers in my yard that were here when we bought the house, and I cannot figure out what they are.  I'm not sure if they are wildflowers or domesticated.  Any help would be appreciated!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Denim Lament

I went shopping for jeans yesterday.  It was so much worse than bathing suit shopping.

(BTW, If you happen to be male and you're reading this, feel free to tune out. This post is for the ladies.)


You know, I normally feel pretty comfortable with my body.  Excluding the three pregnancies, I've been exactly the same weight (130 lbs +/- 1 lb) for the last 10 years.  10 years!  I think it is a decent weight, not too thin and not too fat.  My BMI is supposedly in the exact center of the "normal" range, so why is it that when I go shopping for jeans, it turns out that I have freakishly thick thighs, short legs, and, introducing this year a huge butt (super!!).

Good grief.

I put Ben in lunch-and-play at his preschool for two hours.  That way, I'd have at least 3 or 4 hours to find a pair of jeans.  I had time, I had money, I was willing to spend my money, and I had the largest mall on the east coast in which to shop (King of Prussia).  How hard should this have been, right?

I must have tried on 45 pairs of jeans. 45 pairs!!!!!   I went shopping by myself for maximum efficiency, and I was operating with strike force precision-- enter store, pick out all the different kinds of jeans in two size range, try them all on, stare with abject horror in the mirror, move onto the next store.  I even went to the mall with preparations, by asking some friends what kinds of jeans they've bought recently so I could try those first.  After a few places, I could eliminate a few styles, but still.  I tried on a ton of different brands and styles.

Finally, in complete desperation, I entered an upscale denim store.  And, when the lady asked me if I needed help, I took her for all her worth.  She looked at me and stated (very kindly and diplomatically, I might add) that  I have an "athletic build" and pointed me toward a particular wall of jeans. As I suspected, I do have freakishly thick thighs from years of cycling, fencing and swimming.  They're powerful thighs, and they are not meant for "skinny" jeans. 

Finally, after considerable anguish, I found a pair of jeans that were a) the correct length (are most people wearing jeans with 5-inch stilettos or something, now??  did I just miss that memo?? or have I shrunk three inches??), b) covered my enormous athletic booty and thighs without being as tight as a sausage casing, and 3) were a "cool" wash.  At least I hope they are a "cool" wash.  Dark denim better still in style this season because I am NOT going back out there again.

I haven't taken the tags of my new pair of jeans yet because I have sticker shock.  But, I think I might do it before back-to-school night on Thursday.  Either that, or I'll return them and just wear "easy fit" cargo pants and A-line skirts for the rest of my life....

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Four Things About Ben

1.  Today was Ben's First Day of Pre-K School.

Ben said he was very excited and a little bit nervous to go to preschool this morning.  When we arrived at school, though, he literally pulled me by the hand down the hallway when I stopped to say hi to another mom.  "Talk LATER, Mom!"  Ben reported that he had a great day, getting to paint, play outside, sing some songs, and wash the table (his job). 

2. Yes, Ben dreams in Legos.

Ben's favorite toy is Lego minipeople ("Lego Guys"). He plays with them every day, for hours at a time. "Playing" Lego guys means that you recombine all the legs, bodies, heads, weapons, hair and hats into different combinations every day, and then make "good guys" and "bad guys" lines for battle. While I am encouraged to participate in this game, he has made it clear that he has the final say on who gets to be good or bad. He plays with Legos so often, I had wondered whether or not Ben actually dreams in Legos. Then, this morning he walked downstairs and looked hopefully at the kitchen table, and then sighed, "Oh man." I asked Ben what was wrong. "Mom?" he asked. "Do dreams ever come true? I was hoping dreams come true because I dreamed there was a giant pile of new Lego guys down here." So, there you have it.

3.  Ben now knows that bananas are not romantic.

Song Lyric on Radio: "......1000 kisses on the lips......"
Ben: "EW!"
Mom: "Ben, are you listening to the words on the radio?"
Ben: "Yeah. Kissing. EW!"
Ben (a moment later): "You know, Mom, kissing is romantic."
Mom (wondering where this is going): "Sure is, buddy."
Ben: "Are bananas romantic??"
Mom: "No, bananas are not romantic, but a gourmet dinner can be."
Ben: "What's a gourmet dinner?"
Mom: "Gourmet dinners are super fancy dinners that sometimes people that love each other eat together."
Ben: "Oh. OK. And then there is kissing after dinner?"
Mom: "Hey, do you want to listen to that GLEE CD again? Right now??
Ben: "Sure thing!"

4. Ben likes his hair POOFY.

Do. Not. Attempt. To. Flatten. Hair. With. Anything.

Friday, September 9, 2011


It finally stopped raining for 15 minutes yesterday and I sent the kids outside to get a tiny bit of fresh air after being couped up all week.  When it resumed raining, I called them back inside, only to find out that Ben did not heed my request to stay out of the mud (gross understatement).

Three baths and one load of laundry later, I decided that was a really stupid idea on my part.  Of course I can't expect my 4-year old to stay out of giant mud puddles after 5 continuous days of downpours, drizzles, and rains.....maybe it will be sunny again soon.....

Monday, September 5, 2011

My New Skill


Before you are too impressed, look who also had no trouble learning to paddleboard this weekend:

Many thanks to our dear neighbor for a VACATION DO-OVER this past weekend in Ocean City, New Jersey.  Not only did we have excellent weather and fun, but we returned home with no additional broken bones!  Success!!