Thursday, September 15, 2011

Four Things About Ben

1.  Today was Ben's First Day of Pre-K School.

Ben said he was very excited and a little bit nervous to go to preschool this morning.  When we arrived at school, though, he literally pulled me by the hand down the hallway when I stopped to say hi to another mom.  "Talk LATER, Mom!"  Ben reported that he had a great day, getting to paint, play outside, sing some songs, and wash the table (his job). 

2. Yes, Ben dreams in Legos.

Ben's favorite toy is Lego minipeople ("Lego Guys"). He plays with them every day, for hours at a time. "Playing" Lego guys means that you recombine all the legs, bodies, heads, weapons, hair and hats into different combinations every day, and then make "good guys" and "bad guys" lines for battle. While I am encouraged to participate in this game, he has made it clear that he has the final say on who gets to be good or bad. He plays with Legos so often, I had wondered whether or not Ben actually dreams in Legos. Then, this morning he walked downstairs and looked hopefully at the kitchen table, and then sighed, "Oh man." I asked Ben what was wrong. "Mom?" he asked. "Do dreams ever come true? I was hoping dreams come true because I dreamed there was a giant pile of new Lego guys down here." So, there you have it.

3.  Ben now knows that bananas are not romantic.

Song Lyric on Radio: "......1000 kisses on the lips......"
Ben: "EW!"
Mom: "Ben, are you listening to the words on the radio?"
Ben: "Yeah. Kissing. EW!"
Ben (a moment later): "You know, Mom, kissing is romantic."
Mom (wondering where this is going): "Sure is, buddy."
Ben: "Are bananas romantic??"
Mom: "No, bananas are not romantic, but a gourmet dinner can be."
Ben: "What's a gourmet dinner?"
Mom: "Gourmet dinners are super fancy dinners that sometimes people that love each other eat together."
Ben: "Oh. OK. And then there is kissing after dinner?"
Mom: "Hey, do you want to listen to that GLEE CD again? Right now??
Ben: "Sure thing!"

4. Ben likes his hair POOFY.

Do. Not. Attempt. To. Flatten. Hair. With. Anything.


  1. Lucy says "kissing inside the mouth" is GROSS. I'm still pondering lil Ben's connection between bananas and romance...I am honestly stumped! Love the picture of him standing under the huge sunflowers.

  2. Yeah, the banana thing was really out of the blue. Totally Ben. I am continuously surprised by what is going on in his brain. There are always explosions, robots, and Legos, but sometimes thoughts too.
