Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Introducing a New Superhero (and other thoughts)


Don't be fooled by how cute he looks.  He can perform some serious battle moves in those boots.  I took out the camera to try to record some of those moves, but Primary Man became uncharacteristically shy.  About 10 seconds before this shot he was cartwheeling in the front yard bellowing, "He-YAH."

Here is Primary Man taking a moment off from his duties to stop and smell the crocuses.

The crocuses are blooming in my backyard (as well as snowdrops), so clearly spring is either here already or super close, which is outstanding because my first lacrosse game of the season is T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W.  While I wasn't cartwheeling in the front yard with Ben this morning, I feel like I could (emotionally).  If I do decide to try cartwheeling, I'll get Scott to take a picture before I pull a hamstring.

There are lots of big rule changes this year in the college lacrosse game -- so many that the Baltimore Sun newspaper even wrote a feature article about in the Sports section (that was a great read, Mom & Dad!). You know, that is the kind of quality reporting that is lacking in the Philadelphia Inquirer.  Who really wants to read about Syria, right?  Tomorrow's game is a scrimmage, so I'm looking forward to getting all the kinks and nervous energy worked out before the real season begins on March 3rd.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Blah blah blah Cake

Obviously I haven't been blogging much lately.  I haven't had much to say.  As grateful as I am for my children and husband, I haven't found them particularly humorous or charming lately.  I didn't dawn on me until yesterday, but I think we are all tired of being couped up inside waiting for warmer or drier weather.  Finally yesterday the conditions were good enough in the backyard to play outside, and my kids and a bunch of neighbor kids spent at least four hours outside running around and being free.  They built a fort-like structure with some logs from downed trees, played on the swing set, had some battles, and ran around without their coats on.  We both needed a day like that.

Today, everybody was off from school for President's day, so  I was nagged and nagged until I caved we decided to try to bake a LEGO Ninja cake, as featured in the most recent issue of Family Fun magazine.  (As an aside, I can't decide if I like Family Fun or has some cute ideas, but mostly it makes me feel guilty for not having a blissfully conflict-free family with ample time for oodles of craft and baking projects.)

Here is the cake we were attempting to create -- it is a Ninja training course:

Here is our super-appetizing and most delicious cake.......I'm totally cracking up looking at this picture because it is just so awful.  We can't use any products with food dye, so we found a brand of natural-dye sugar crystals at Whole Foods for the blue and green.  The sandy substance on top of the icing is shredded wheat.  Mmmmm.....nothing beats shredded wheat and vanilla icing.  Or, carrots and vanilla icing for that matter.  On the plus side, the kids had fun.  And, if you scrap off the the shredded wheat, the cake tastes pretty good.  On the down side, the kitchen is t-r-a-s-h-e-d.

So, that's the "cake."

In other news we traveled to Lititz, PA, this past Saturday to try our hand at making pretzels at Sturgis Pretzel Factory.  As it turns out it was the Fire & Ice Festival in Lititz, so we got to see some ice sculptures,   and we grabbed lunch at the Spill the Beans cafe.  It was kind of odd because the 2-year old daughter of the cafe owners decided to eat lunch with us.  She was so clearly enjoying our company that her parents made her a grilled cheese and served it to our table.  She was a cute little girl....but it was pretty weird to have her eat with us, particularly since she was so young and needed meal assistance.  That's weird to let a stranger feed your kid, right?? I guess I looked trustworthy.....

Ice Pretzel

Ice Train

Ice Chair

Heaven's Rays in Lancaster County

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ridiculous things heard in my kitchen this morning

I'm going to let you guess who said what.  These were just a few little ditties uttered among the chaos of making breakfasts, packing bookbags, making lunches, and getting/supervising the kids dressed.

"Sparkles make everything stylish!"

"Mom, do you know where my black pants are?"

"No, Mom, those are the black pants with all the lint. I need the GOOD ones."

"AAAAAHHHH.  Now I can't wear that outfit!"

"Mom, can you show me how to do this fingerweaving thing?"

"Mom, I've got the the yard and the weaver thing.  Is this right?"

"Can you just please wait until after I've made the lunches?"

"Mom, do you know were the blue Lego Ninja pants are?"

"No, Mom, that blue Lego bottom has a pouch on it.  I need the blue one with the little belt."

"AAAAAHHHH.  Now I'll have to build a different Lego."

"Mom, can you shrink these shrinkydinks for me?"

"Mom, is it time to shrink those shrinkydinks yet?"

"Mom, are you EVER going to shrink those shrinkydinks?"

"Oh my God.  The napkin is on fire!"

"Mom, you really are good at putting out fires!"

One of these days, I just want to have a really calm, drama-free, craft-free morning......

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Yes, I do have the cutest niece in the history of the world.   Welcome Sydney Elizabeth!!

Here she is waving a little "Hello!"

And, look how her happy her cousins are to meet her! (Ben was here too, but we were keeping him a safe distance away.)

Just look at this preciousness.  Is your heart melting yet?

How about now?

This is my first time as an auntie.  I'm bursting!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Never a dull moment here....

Hey.  What did you do last night?  Watch a little TV?  Read a book?  Maybe check a little homework?  We did all that.  Oh, also Scott kicked in Caroline's bedroom door.

The force of the blow shattered the wood around the lock and ripped an 8-foot piece off of the door frame.  Honestly, it was kind of awesome.  Just like on TV. If only we didn't have to repair and repaint the whole thing now.

Maybe I should tell the story from the beginning?

Yesterday morning, Caroline was being her normal obstinate self before school.  She didn't want to get dressed because she didn't like any of the clothes that are clean.  She didn't want to put on any socks because they weren't the right color.  She didn't want to brush her teeth because the toothpaste is too spicy.  She didn't want to put on her sneakers for gym class. She didn't want to comb her hair, just because.  She didn't want to drink her milk.  Blah blah blah. Typical morning nonsense that increases my blood pressure by at least 40 points every day.

I finally told Caroline if I had to repeat myself any more, I would start confiscating her new toys for a week.  Apparently that threat got her attention because she started feeling cooperative. For extra insurance, she also locked her door and pulled it shut before she went to school so I wouldn't go in her room.  But, I didn't know that she had pulled this little maneuver until about 4:30pm when I told her to go up to her room to play until dinner was ready.

Fastforward to 4:30. Caroline was screaming from upstairs that her door was locked.  So I went upstairs to check out the commotion, only to find out to my horror that her bedroom door lock was an actual keyed lock!  (How did I never notice this in the 2+ years we lived in the house??) None of the house keys fit her lock, naturally.  We were faced with a choice.  Pay $100 for an emergency locksmith or just kick the door in.

Scott opted to play Army Ranger and kicked the door in, as described above.  The first kick was pretty gentle. The second kick really did the trick.

I'll file this story under the "never a dull moment here" category, perhaps cross-referenced with "how not to motivate your child to behave."