Monday, September 10, 2012

Ben's First Day of Kindergarten

"I'm not going," Ben announced in my doorway before seven this morning.

Ben padded into my bedroom this morning, still warm in his footie pajamas.  He slid under the covers and cuddled up close to me.

"I don't want to go."

He pressed his warm little self all the way into me and wouldn't move so I could see even a peek of his face.

Then, he quietly confided to me, "I'm scared to go."

So, we talked about how fun it would be to ride the bus, to make new friends, to learn new things, and to play with the giant bin of Legos.  I pressed a kiss into his hand that he could carry with him all day. I told him my kiss would never wash off.

Ever so quietly, he whispered into my ear, "But, I'll miss you."

My heart melted and my eyes teared up because I will miss him too.

My littlest baby is off to kindergarten today.

All Smiles on the Bus


  1. awwww. for all the sword-fighting and lego superhero guys...they're still little sweeties...(buddy was scared too - so cute!) hope everyone has a good day! hope he comes home with some nice stories!

  2. I know! Ben is by far my cuddliest child. He is also the most "battle-y" (his word).

    Ben's first day was a success. After school he announced, "Wow. That was a lot better than I thought it would be!"
