Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Big 20

This past weekend I attended my 20th High School reunion in Maryland.  I had mixed feelings about going.  On one hand,  I was excited to visit in person with some of my closest friends, some of whom live far away.  On the other hand, I was also a bit wary.  High school memories are a mix of happiness and successes tinged with memories of insecurity, a hilariously bad perm, teased bangs, and pimples.

Fortunately, I'm happy to report that all the incriminating photos stayed home and that our class has aged well!  We didn't look as old as I expected, and the conversations were genuine and pleasant.  It was surprising to see what people have been up to for the past 20 years, with jobs, kids, etc.  The conversations were also pretty brief because the DJ hired for the evening had the music volume SO LOUD THAT IT WAS REALLY HARD TO TALK.  Maybe that was by design?

It was a surreal evening seeing people from your past reappear after 20 years, looking mostly the same.  And, it was definitely nice to be remembered after all this time.


  1. Oh my, you are brave. I don't think I would accept a million dollars to go to a HS reunion. Well...ok...I would take a million dollars (I could finally get new flooring!) The awkward, weird, embarrassing, horrifying memories tend to overshadow the good ones, sadly. Glad you had fun and enjoyed it though...were your ears buzzing when you got home?

  2. ugh, yes! My ears were ringing when I went to sleep and were still ringing well into the next day -- over 12 hours of ringing! I hate that!
