Friday, July 20, 2012

Summer Brainstorming

"Moooooooooommmmmm......what are we going to do today?"

We'd midway through the summer, and I'm already really tired of hearing that question.  I do try to have an idea or two for an answer, but I just can't imagine why the kids don't like my suggestions of cleaning their room, practicing math facts, reading quietly, and taking a nap. Normally, my kids run around with the giant pack of neighborhood kids, but unfortunately everyone else is either at camp, at the shore, on vacation, or on a totally different sleeping schedule.  Isn't anyone else anyone else ready play at 7:30am?

Fortunately, the threat of cleaning makes Legos and playing with siblings FAR more enticing. Currently all three kids are playing with a flashlight under a blanket fort on the sofa since my suggested alternative is to go grocery shopping.

To try to prepare for the "What are we going to do today?" question, I asked Caroline and one of her neighborhood friends to brainstorm a giant list of activities.  This is what they came up with (translation below):

Egg races
Musical chairs
Freeze tag (with timer)
Plain tag
Karate tag
Toilet tag
Play people Legos
Hide and Go Seek Tag
Hide and Go Seek
Play school
Art class
Bedroom games  (?????!!!!!)
Video Games
Cats and Kittens
Power (probably Power Rangers)

I love this list!  The only drawback is that 90% of the suggestions require additional children.  FYI, I confirmed that bedroom games is not what you think.  Get your mind out of the gutter!  Caroline clarified that "bedroom games" means to play with any of the toys that are stored in her room, such as Calico critters, Barbies, or tea party. Whew.

I have my own brainstormed list of summer activities (not those listed above and not cleaning), but I can't share them right now because ABBY IS READING OVER MY SHOULDER.  GO CLEAN YOUR ROOM, ABBY.

Look at that!  It's worked again.  She is going to go play hopscotch.

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