Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Smile and Other Observations

1)  Caroline has a new smile!  She lost her first tooth on Sunday.  It had been pretty "wiggly" for a few weeks, but finally reached a state of disgustingness on Sunday that I told her she had to pull it out or I was going to pull if for her.  Before you think me completely heartless, my comment came after a demonstration of  "Look Mom, I can push my tooth down all the way flat! It's not even connected in the back anymore!!!!"  This observation completely thrilled her, but since we were at a restaurant at the time, I wasn't as enthused.  Caroline lost her first tooth with me in the bathroom at Bucca di Beppo in Allentown (I am sure it is totally sanitary in there, right?) while celebrating Grandma's birthday.  Then I sat holding her bloody tooth while the waitress found us an envelope.


Caroline was ecstatic that the Tooth Fairy would finally be visiting her since she's had to jealously watch the TF visit Abby an unbearable 8 times.  Now, I'm not sure what the TF does in other parts of the world, but for Caroline she left a trail of glittery fair dust on the windowsill and her pillow, a Sacajawea dollar coin, a tiny note, and since it was her first tooth, a headband with pretty pseudo-crystal beads.  She also stopped by her siblings and left some glitter on their pillows for good measure. Caroline heard that some tooth fairy visits in the area were leaving up to $10 (????!!!!) from other kindergartners, but I told her I'm sure she's mistaken.  On the second and future visits, the glitter, dollar coin, and tiny note will have to suffice from the TF.

2) Lacrosse.  The season is in full swing, and last week featured four days of cold, cold, cold lacrosse. My week in summary:  a) Tues -- 45 deg and pouring rain; b) Wednesday -- 2 games at 50 degrees and pouring rain; c) Friday night -- 2 games in 50 and 20 mph wind; and d) Saturday, my personal favorite -- a college game at 48 deg with 40 mph wind gusts and 20-30 mph sustained wind.  It was so windy on Saturday that the timer couldn't hear the officials' whistles to start and stop the clock (which was problematic in a close game and one of the coaches flipped out when the clock didn't stop right away) and players standing 15 feet away couldn't hear me directing them to their positions when I was yelling as loudly as I absolutely could.  I really should be writing about how 3 of the 4 days were really competitive (Tuesday -- game was tied at halftime; Friday - game decided by one goal; Saturday -- game decided by 2 goals).  However, officiating really isn't as fun when you are freezing your a$$ off.  Surely it has to warm up soon, right? 

3) Dreaming.  (While reading, be sure to be impressed with my immediate recollection of toy names.  It's not as impressive as my neighbor Jill's knowledge of Pokemon characters though.)

(A few days ago)
Ben:  "Last night I dreamed I was fighting with the Lego Nijitsu guys."
Ben:  "Their teacher was there. What is his name again?"
Mom:  "Sensei Woo?"
Ben:  "Yea, Sensei Woo."
Mom:  "So, you actually dream in Legos, Ben?"
Ben:  "Sure! I always do."

(last night)
Ben:  "Mom, last night I dreamed I was fighting with GI Joe."
Ben:  "First, I fought Cobra Commander, then I fought Destro, and then I fought the lady with the long claws.  What is her name again?"
Mom: "Pythona?"   
Ben: "Yeah, Pythona."
Mom:  "That is a lot of fighting, Ben, you must be pretty tired."
Ben:  "I'm not tired at all. I was sleeping."

4) Why so few blogs lately?

There are lots of reasons (lack of ideas, higher level of chaos than usual, and my general level of crabbiness), but, one of the biggest reasons is because Caroline and Ben have been all over me for weeks -- physically and verbally. In the short span of typing the first few paragraphs of this blog (15 minutes), Ben has climbed on and off of my lap at least 8 times. He has asked me for at least 10 different things (juice, crackers, cheese, milk, hugs, help with a puzzle, etc.). And, Ben and Caroline have fought over at least 3 things. Unfortunately, I'm not exaggerating at all.

The constant interruptions are making me CRAZY. I had a few groundwater files I needed to finish up yesterday morning, and what should have taken me 30 to 45 minutes took almost 4 hours. It has been difficult to complete a thought, much less a paragraph. Of course I don't want to deny Ben giving me hugs, but he's constantly attached to me -- more like a leach than a son. Also, Ben is a tiny guy, only in the 10% percentile for height. So, I do want him to eat. But, I want him to eat meals, not snacks in 15 minute increments. So, basically, the kids are driving me crazy. And, not crazy in a "Here's a cute little anecdote" way. More like a "I'm ready to run away" kind of crazy. I know all mothers (honest ones anyway) feel this from time to time. And, I know it will pass. Probably even soon when it's warmer and everyone can play outside more.  But, the days are long here right now. I can't say I'm really looking forward to the 50 or so hours I'll be spending alone with my three kids over Spring Break. And, when I have a few uninterrupted minutes to reflect, I know it's a shame that I feel that way.  The idealistic part of me wants to enjoy all of our time together.

(Abby joined me on my chair for the last paragraph.  She's reading over my shoulder and would like me to note that she has been very nice to me lately.  OK Abby?  She's nodding her head yes.  Now, I'll let her hit the 'Publish Post' button.)

1 comment:

  1. The lacrosse games sound fun!! And of course love the kid stories... and well I have to say you are a horrible mother... no GOOD mother ever EVER wants to escape from her kids EVER!!! (I hope you can tell I am being totally facetious and that I think you are an awesome mom.)
