Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools

The joke is on us:  Spring is not coming.

It is snowing today. It's April now. Seriously, people, I need spring now.  I know it's not a foot of snow or anything, but it's cold enough that the snow is sticking on the ground.  I'm ready for pretty flowers and warmer days. 

Aside from the fact that I'm just plain sick of being cold and wrapped up in a blanket, almost every high school and college team plays their games on turf fields. So, nobody ever cancels their lacrosse games anymore. When I first started umpiring 12 years ago, I could count on most of my March games being cancelled due to bad weather or wet field conditions.  But, with all the turf, I've had more games this year than I can ever remember in March, and with one warm day exception, I have been absolutely FREEZING by the end of all of them.  Like yesterday, when not only was it only 35, but it was pouring rain.  Great combination for standing outside for 3 hours.   (Yes, I do know I'm whining.)

One other drawback to super cold, moist weather is that the kids do not play outside.  Which means they play inside, sometimes getting into things they shouldn't -- like make-up.  You should probably zoom in the photo for the full effect (white eyeshadow on the chin was an interesting touch). 


  1. Wow, she does makeup a lot better than I do. Next time I go out on the town, can I come over and have Caroline do my makeup?

  2. I am sure that Caroline would be MORE than happy to do you up. She'd ensure complete coverage, and would probably even apply more than one layer of colors, ensuring you're made up all evening long. She also does hair, but I don't recommend it yet since it's still quite painful.
