Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Toss me a life preserver.  I am drowning in paper. 

The school year ends on Thursday for Abby and Caroline.  Consequently, the typical mild flood of papers and things that come home in their bookbags has changed from its typical steady stream into a deluge.  Holy. Moley. 

I've started to write several different posts on the amount of stuff (I'm thinking of a more descriptive word here, but my daughter does read this) that comes home on a weekly basis.  It's a lot of paper.  A LOT lot. Today, however, set a new record for the amount of stuff that arrived at 3:52pm.  Two desks worth, plus a year's worth of kindergarten art, a year's worth of writing papers, and a just a hot mess of other stuff.  I'd be lying if I said I'm looking forward to going through all of these papers.  I'm tempted to just recycle the lot of it, but then I'd wonder about the potential treasures I'd be missing, like Abby's precious little poem about clouds called "Cotton Candy."

One Day's Worth of Stuff:

Also, totally off-topic, I just took some Benadryl because my allergies kicked back in hard this morning.  I only took a children's dose, and WOW, am I out of it now.  So, if this post is riddled with typos, missing words, or just seems spacey, it's because I feel like I'm typing from inside a foggy bubble.  Spacey is sure a funny looking word.    

Returning to undesirable piles, Ben got mad at me and trashed his room.  I'm going to give that boy some credit. When he decides to make a mess, he really puts his heart into it.  The pile on the floor contains EVERY toy and EVERY book and EVERY stuffed animal in his room.  Every last one. And, aside from the thoroughness, he did it silently.  So, I had no warning of what exactly what was awaiting me in his room when I opened the door.  Nicely done.  Now, go clean your room. 

(I'll be wading through paper downstairs.)

Ben's Impressive Pile

(after I told Ben I wasn't going to help him clean this up)

See?  He really emptied his bookshelf.
He threw in all the puzzles too, just to make it extra challenging.
(yes, I know the furniture doesn't match).

"But your mother will come.
She will find this big mess!
And this mess is so big
And so deep and so tall,
We can not pick it up.
There is no way at all!"
                                --Cat in the Hat


  1. Wow - that face on Ben - I have seen that same expression too many times! But kinda impressed with his determination. The paper. Oh the paper. I need to get through it because it's getting impossible to cook in this kitchen with all this stuff. E finished last Friday - but I didn't get through everything - then there's the strawberry stuff and permission slips/medical slips for all these summer programs. Yikes! Someone stop the mail for a few days so I can catch up!

  2. Look at that little face!!!! It'll just break your heart--until you look at that big mess he just made LOL! Well I am SURE he helped you clean that up!! :-)

  3. Ha! I finally fixed the commenting thing on the blog.

    I stuck to my guns and Ben cleaned up the whole mess himself, except that I reshelved the books as he passed them to me. I can tell you it took F-O-R-E-V-E-R. Hopefully, the lost morning was worth it, and he'll never do that again....

    Also, I am still going through papers. I tackled one 10-inch pile yesterday to completion. Unfortunately, many piles still left. I think the piles are reproducing at night.
