Tuesday, June 21, 2011


1) Caroline, Abby, and I were at Wegmans celebrating the end of school with a girls' lunch out.  I was picking up some napkins on the far side of the lunchroom when there was an announcement over the loudspeaker about something.  I was only half-listening.  After I got back to our table....

Caroline (breathless):  "Mom, Guess WHAT?!"
Mom:  "What?"
Caroline:  "There is going to be a party! A PARTY! Can we go?"
Mom:  "Where's the party?"
Caroline:  "Here.  At Wegmans.  There's going to be a party! Right now!!"
Mom:  "What kind of a party?"
Caroline:  "I don't know.  They just said, "Meet your party at the Customer Service Desk.  I want to go!"
Mom:  "Oh.....that kind of party." 
(insert long explanation about various definitions of word "party")
Caroline:  "I still want to go.  It sounds like fun!"

2) Mom: "Ben, it's going to be 88 degrees today.  I don't think you need the long-sleeve shirt or fleece pants."
Ben:  "It's ok Mom."
Mom: "No, buddy, you're really going to be too hot."
Ben (exasperated):   "It's OK Mom.  I love to be cozy, and I love to be loved."
Mom:  "What about the socks?  How about we take off the socks?"
Ben:  "My feet are cozy inside them."
Mom:  "How about the boots?  Could we trade the rain boots for something else?"
Ben (screaming): "MOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!  I'm fine."

One minute later, possibly less.
Ben:  "Mom, I'm really hot."
Mom (banging head against the wall):  "Gee.  I can't imagine why."

3) This morning while I was getting dressed.  Naturally, all three kids are in my room wanting to have a conversation. Ben picked up a quarter and started flipping it.

Ben: "If I flip this quarter and it lands like this, I have to be good all day."
(flips coin)
Mom: "What happened?"
Ben:  "I have to be good ALL DAY now.  I can't do that."
Mom:  "What would have happened if the other side of the coin landed?"
Ben ran out of the room giggling.....

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