Monday, November 21, 2011

Miscellani Part 2

1. Butter.  I am so excited because I fulfilled my lifelong dream of purchasing butter in the shape of a turkey.  Don't judge me. 

Caroline's reaction to this seasonal delight was, "Wow!! Mom, is that really butter?!" Then, "Is it made of turkey?" 

I bought this special butter several weeks ago because I knew it would sell out quickly at Wegmans.  I have been hiding it in the refrigerator to keep Ben from poking at the turkey head.  So far it is still intact. Ben has a habit of poking at food items when no one is looking, for example Aunt Trish's and Uncle Andy's wedding cake (sorry about that Trish!).  And, yes, apparently other people want to buy butter turkeys too.  I checked this past weekend and it was sold out.  So, I'm not losing it.  That much.

2.  Cereal.  Guess what Caroline's favorite cereal has been for the past year or so?  Something sweet or marketed to kids?  No.  She loves General Mill's RAISIN NUT BRAN.  This is the same child who makes me cut the crusts off her sandwiches and will only eat certain colors and shapes of lettuce leaves.  Go figure.

3.  Fire and Battles.  Scott declared that we would be having the season's inaugural fire his past  Friday. Although I mentioned to him that we already had a fire when we lost power overnight during the October snowstorm, Scott decided that the first fire "didn't count" since it was for emergency heating purposes.  A few days before ignition, we decided to watch a few movie trailers using the On Demand movie selection to try to find a movie that would appeal (more or less) to all five of us.  This in itself was a hilarious exercise.  Although I knew X-Men was out of the question as an actual family pick, the trailer was rated PG so we turned it on for Ben. He immediately started jumping up and down on the sofa and screaming, "THIS IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE!!!!! NICE AND BATTLE-LY!!!!!"   I didn't know the word "battle" could be used as an adverb, and I can't imagine what would have happened if we watched the whole thing.  We ended up renting "How to Train Your Dragon" from the library.  The movie was surprisingly good, and it featured both fires and battles.

4.  Paint.  The kitchen painting project is finished!  There are a few residual electrical issues that need to be resolved....but most of the house's wiring is still working properly after Scott changed a few outlets......sigh.....I'm sure the electrician will be able to inexpensively figure out why the outlets in Ben's room are no longer working, right?

When was the last time that you moved your stove and saw what was underneath?  Well, it's apparently been a long time here.  When we moved the stove out to paint behind it, we found the previous owner's oven mitt, knife sharpener, and spatula. Scott declared, "CC, it's Thanksgiving gone wrong under here!" Hopefully we'll fare better on Thursday.  But, I have been wondering how is it even possible to lose an oven mitt under the stove??!!! 

WOW.  In case you were wondering what my kids were up to while I was typing all this, the answer is NOTHING GOOD.  Ben just wandered downstairs wearing nothing but socks on his feet and his underwear on his head.  He's now dancing naked (except for the socks).  Time to stop typing!


  1. How to Train a Dragon is a good one, and of course both King Fu Pandas are good rentals...We enjoyed Puss n Boots at the theater too. Do I need to even tell you that I am jealous of the butter.

  2. I'm glad to hear Puss n Boots is good. I think I'm going to take the kids sometime during this 9-day break, because they'll definitely be time for it!
