Tuesday, January 17, 2012


1)  News Flash:  The wacky wall walker finally fell off the wall!  Ben came running into the kitchen, holding the amazingly sticky thing, and said, "GUESS WHAT? IT FELL OFF THE WALL AND IT IS STILL STICKY!  THWAP!!"  That THWAP sound is the sound of the wacky wall walker adhering to my kitchen ceiling before I could rip the damn thing carefully extract this amazing toy out of Ben's hand.  Scott judiciously moved it from the kitchen ceiling to the bathroom ceiling, where we have commenced stick experiment #2. The total number of walk walker days for location #1 = 90 days.  Pretty amazing stuff.  Sadly, I cannot reach the slime trail that this delightful toy left on my wall in the stairwell, but I'm sure we'll paint over it in 10 years or so.

2) Guess what??!!  I was assigned my very first lacrosse game for the season today.  I know you were probably on pins and needles waiting like I have been.  It's a college game on March 24th, and I get to be the HEAD UMPIRE for the first time ever for an NCAA game.  So, I think that is pretty cool.  Let's all keep our fingers crossed for a controversy-free game.

3) Guess what else??!!  I think Caroline might have used her self-vested powers to marry Ben and Abby yesterday.  It was quiet upstairs, waaaaay too quiet.  Then, Ben, Abby, and Caroline came trooping downstairs in their Sunday finest, giggling hysterically.  Ben was wearing his tuxedo (which we have really gotten a surprising amount of use out of).  There were some solemn words and some dancing, and now, I am pretty sure they are married.  (Ben does understand that he isn't really married to Abby.  I think.)

The Happy Couple.... 

4)  Abby sewed a button collage in Girl Scouts. She wanted me to blog about it for her. She might need to start her own blog soon since she is constantly saying, "You should blog about that, Mom."  So apparently, my blog mission has shifted from Searching for CC to family historian and storyteller. I'm not quite sure how to feel about that.  It is a cute button collage, though.

5) Lastly, lest you were ever concerned that the kids are lacking in sufficient Legos to keep themselves busy on a rainy day....Ben, Abby, and Caroline decided to consolidate all the Lego heads today. We're all set on mini-figures.

1 comment:

  1. oooooo congratulations on the first game of the season as HEAD UMPIRE!! Impressive!! I know you will do a fahbuhlus job. Glad you are honing your speed. Love those intervals. (Word has it that a little elf marked the Monument Park circle every 200 meters with just the tiniest bit of white spray paint if you ever are able to get outside for those intervals). Keep us posted on the wall sticker/bathroom ceiling challenge. Exciting stuff!! :-)
