Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday, Caroline!

Happy 7th Birthday to Caroline today!  
(Caroline, see how I changed the font to PINK to write you an extra girly message? If I knew how to add music to this blog, I'd be playing the song "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond for you too.)

Strangers are always saying things like, "Cherish these moments" and "Oh, doesn't the time go quickly!"  Generally, I don't feel like the days go quickly at all.  Often, I find that Caroline helps make the days seem much, much longer.  For example, she extended her birthday by over an hour when she woke me up at 5:45am this morning to tell me that it was her birthday. Then, she woke up her brother at 6am to play a super loud game of puppy in the hallway (lots of barking that echoes well in the hall). Ben, as always, was genuinely thrilled to be given attention his big sister, especially on her birthday.

We all absolutely love Caroline, but I can't say I really understand her.  Her personality is:

(her actual sneakers)
(her actual dress)

(she has selected sushi for her birthday dinner.....and I am so glad it's not hot dogs)

(actual pancake Caroline made for Ben)

I am so very curious to see what she will end up doing with all her energy, intensity, and leadership qualities. I just hope I can survive the journey.  Happy Birthday to my Sweet Caroline!


  1. Happy Birthday Caroline!!! I think you should play Puppy with your brother EVERY morning at 6:00am because that sounds just plain FUN to me (and I bet it doesn't ruin the carpets like real puppies do). Hope you have a wonderful, wonderful DAY!!

  2. You are right -- Our version of puppy is easy on the carpet, but not so much on my nerves. Even though they are having fun, one downside is that Abby wakes up grumpy because she's woken up by barking and "WE DON'T EVEN HAVE A DOG!!!!!!!" which is whole other issue she gets upset about..... are your 3 kids ever all happy at the same time??

  3. haha only when there are snacks involved.
