Sunday, April 25, 2010


Happy Earth Day and that's it??  Nothing all week?  I know...I know... 

This week, all possible children's activities, volunteer activities, and school events converged.  It was a fun week, but little time was left for writing.  This week's highlights:

1) Spring Sing - Caroline's preschool held its annual evening Spring Sing performance on Thursday night.  Each preschool class sang and/or danced two numbers.  The performances are pretty adorable, with the expected flashes of little girl bloomers, overly loud singing (or inaudibly quiet singing), waves to the audience, etc.  Scott and I always get a chuckle when the music teacher's deep bass voice (Mrs. Groch) is louder than the kids' voices.  Caroline's class performed a little square dance number and also sang "Yankee Doodle" and "Grand Old Flag" quite well without accompaniment.  We also enjoyed one unexpected surprise -- Caroline got to perform an additional dance number with another preschool class since one of the children in that class was sick. As Caroline's teacher put it, "She can handle anything!"  Caroline was absolutely beaming with pride since she got the call! (Note that Caroline suggested her new hairstyle herself --Cute!)

Before Spring Sing In Caroline's Classroom

2) Gal and Pal Dance - On Friday night, Scott and Abby attended the Gal and Pal Dance organized by our Girl Scout Service Unit.  Although it's safe to say that Abby enjoys the event more than Scott (he just loves to dance), it is a fun night out for fathers and daughters.  Abby reported that she had a super time, expect that the bingo game took way too long since it was four corners.  Scott's dance highlight was that he got to play bingo with the morning news anchor for ABC, Matt O'Donnell. 

Abby and Her Date Before the Dance (azaleas from our front yard)

3) A Whole, Whole Lot of Ben - Ben has fully realized the joy of being naked and/or prancing around in his diaper. Frankly, I am beginning to wonder if it is really worth the trouble of dressing him in the morning. Today he was running around the house singing "Diaper Power" in a long-sleeved shirt, diaper, and yellow rain boots. No, I'm not making that up. Later, it was just the shirt and the boots, no diaper. To quote Ben, "Not good". 

4) Norristown Zoo - Caroline, Ben, and I went to the Norristown Zoo for a short visit on Friday afternoon since it was so beautiful outside.  This zoo is small and walkable in less than an hour.  It features a couple of great kids' playgrounds and a cool prairie dog exhibit.  The rest of the zoo, I have to admit, makes me feel a little uncomfortable.  The animal enclosures are kind of small and the zoo is a bit run-down.  The parts that have been refurbished are nice, but there is still a long way to go.  My level of uncomfortableness was increased by at least tenfold during this visit since there were black vultures sitting and circling all over the zoo.  At one point I looked up and there were over 40 sitting in the trees.  Forty!!!???  I kept looking around expecting something big to be dead, like one of the buffalo, but we never could figure out what was drawing all the vultures.  Very unsettling.  It was like that Hitchcock The Birds movie.  The Zoo Staff kindly inquired if we'd like to become members on the way out.  Umm....maybe next time.

Seven Black Vultures Sitting in the Bald Eagle Exhibit

5) Receipts - I naively agreed to tabulate Acme receipts for Caroline's preschool this year as a fundraiser activity. Acme Markets donates 1% of the receipt total to schools or non-profit groups. About $200,000 worth of receipts later, my job is now finished. Thank goodness. If I could think of a word stronger than TEDIOUS, I'd use it. The school will be using the proceeds to refurbish the playground.

Good Grief

 6) Final Tidbit -- The lacrosse season continues to plug along, and I think I've had about 30 games at this point (usually in groups of 2).  I had my on-field rating (part 1 of 2) yesterday, which went well.  I mentioned earlier that I'm going for my district rating in June, which will enable me to officiate college D3 games.  So far so good!

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