Thursday, February 17, 2011

Channeling Laura Numeroff

If you give a mom a break, she's probably going to want a cup of coffee to go with it.  If she gets a cup of coffee, she's probably going to need a little cream too.

She'll get the cream, and when she's putting the empty cream container into the recycling bin, she'll spy the furnace filter, which reminds her that she needs to change the filter.

She'll head downstairs with the filter, and change it, and then she see that someone has emptied half a bag of shredded paper on the floor, which will remind her she should finish shredding and take the bag outside.  After some very satisfying shredding, she carries the bag to the garage. 

On the way back in, she'll spy the washing machine, and she'll remember she should start a load of laundry.
When getting the clothes ready, she finds a coin in the pocket of some pants. So, after starting the laundry, she'll put the coin into her purse for safekeeping. 

While she's in her purse, she'll find the lacrosse receipt that she needs for the taxes.  So, she'll take the receipt out and put it in the tax folder.  The tax folder, now complete, is sitting by the computer, so she takes a few minutes and finishes up and ships out the federal taxes to get a tax refund. 

The tax refund reminds her that she still needs to start thinking about summer plans, so she'll get up and take a look at the calendar.  The calendar is next to the dishwasher, which reminds her that she needs to empty the dishwasher and load up the breakfast dishes.  While emptying the dishwasher, she'll find a clean coffee cup, which reminds her it is time to take a little break.

And, when mom takes a little break, she's probably going to want a cup of coffee to go with it.


  1. love it! I call it adult ADHD and I think all us moms have it.

  2. totally true! I hope I never have to get a job where I need to concentrate in more than 10 minute bursts. I now have the attention span of my 3-year old....

  3. and my husband wonders why i never seem to finish anything....

  4. I've read the book, "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" to my son about 75 times in 2011 alone (at his request,) so this post really hit home! Excellent post!
