Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Yesterday we celebrated Scott's birthday -- in 15 minute increments. 

Tuesdays are the craziest day of the week here, and I accepted a lacrosse game back in February without even realizing it was his birthday (serious wife demerits for me, right?) which just added to the chaos.  Ben enjoyed a trip to the Please Touch Museum with Grandad in the afternoon, I had to get a sitter in the afternoon for about 2 hours since Scott had an afternoon meeting scheduled, and Abby had Religious Ed scheduled for the evening.  

After I got home from the game and made a delicious birthday dinner (no whole fish requests this year, thankfully), I told Abby that last night was the one night of the year I was going to let her skip Religious Ed so we could celebrate Dad's birthday.  The tears started immediately.  And, they weren't tears of joy.  What??!!  I thought she would be practically turning cartwheels, based on the level of resistance I get some weeks about attendance.  Then, she ran to her bag, pulled something out of the bottom of it (since it wasn't in her folder where I look for notes).  It was a hand-made invitation for a special class where parents were invited to make and break bread.  So....after scarfing down a 15-minute super fancy family dinner, Abby and I were off to class and poor Scott had to wait an extra few hours for homemade German chocolate cake.  At least this year I did not serve rancid fish.

Interesting note, did you know that German chocolate cake is not the legacy of German immigrants or German culture? Rather, it is the creation of a man with the last name of German who invented sweet German cooking chocolate. I learned this little nugget from Joy of Cooking yesterday afternoon.

Birthdays here are all about the cake.

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