Monday, August 16, 2010

Hungry Man

You know those cartoons about teenage boys that open the refrigerator and pour the entire contents into their mouths?  Well, I got my first preview of teenage boyhood at our house over this weekend.

Ben has been foraging in the pantry and in the refrigerator for anything he can reach.  (This is not a practice that I condone; however, he's pretty sneaky.)  Ben is only 3 feet tall and can only reach the front of the pantry shelves.  So, his foraging this weekend consisted of an entire bag of Craisins, huge bin of pretzels, and my personal favorite, almonds -- covered in WASABI.  These almonds are super spicy, people.  They make my mouth burn and my eyes tear after about 4.  Ben housed half the can.

Not so long after the almonds, Ben walked determinedly into the kitchen.

Ben:  "Mom, I need some more FOOD."
CC:  "Are you hungry buddy?"
Ben:  "Yeah, Mom, really REALLY hungry."

So, I gave him some cheese and crackers at 4pm, which he ate like you think I'd been starving him.  At 4:30, he had a huge bowl of pineapple. Then, he finished a plate of fish and broccoli (without complaint!) an hour later.  So, on Sunday Ben ate breakfast, breakfast snack, pre-lunch snack, lunch, lunch snack, almond delight, pre-dinner snack, giant bowl of pineapple, and then dinner. 

Better lock up your food.  Ben is growing.

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