Monday, November 1, 2010

Tricks and Treats

The Highlights

Overall, we had an excellent Halloween. Our neighbor's pumpkin carving party, Abby's field hockey game, our town's Halloween parade, and trick-or-treating was all enjoyed in less than seven hours.  (whew!)

We I mean the kids received an excellent amount of candy.  Scott and I have completed our initial safety evaluations, but remain undecided whether or not candy is safe to consume.  More analysis planned for this evening. Personally, I'm still not quite sure about Reese's Cups and Twix.  On a related note, I resumed attending Body Pump class at the gym today to offset these necessary safety checks.

One surprising moment occurred last night when I opened the front door to give out some Hershey's Special Dark bars only to notice that Ben had removed his costume and pants to make a trick-or-treating pit stop. But, he decided to do the disrobing part in the entryway, so the result was basically mooning the trick-or-treaters.  I think that firmly goes into the "Trick" column, don't you??

Fortunately, the rest of the evening was just "Treat!"  Particularly after we returned home to investigate the contents of the trick-or-treat bags.  When the girls were thoroughly reviewing their haul and I was sorting out the food dye containing candies (which Caroline did a great job avoiding, I should add), Ben realized that neither Scott nor I were paying close attention to him.  I looked up to find out that he had opened and consumed a truly impressive amount of candy and was diligently opening candies as fast as his little fingers would let him. Any type of chewy candy or hard candy that would take too long to consume was licked and then cast aside for items that could be eaten faster.  I asked, "Ben, what on earth are you doing?" His answer was to scoop up an entire mini-bag of candy corns and shove them into his mouth as fast as he could.  I think that he knew the candy-eating event of his lifetime was over.  He was all smiles though!

Captain America, Cleopatra, and Wonder Woman


Edited:  Scott has just reminded me that one of the "highlights" also included not one, but TWO of our children having accidents in their costumes yesterday.  Believe it or not, but I had already selectively forgotten that in less than 24 hours.  Impressive!  (my lack of memory, not the accidents)

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