Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Mish-Mash

1) Underwear - I'd like to know why a boy who could usually could care less about what he wears, suddenly needs to take 5 minutes selecting his underwear.  (We're still in the beginning stages of potty training, alternating diaper days with underwear days depending on Ben's level of interest.)  Although Ben still doesn't care what he wears on the outside, he wants me to lay out all the clean pairs of superhero underwear on the floor, so he can pour over them at length to select which "good guy" he wants to wear for the day (still backwards so the good guy is in visible).  Frankly it doesn't really matter which good guy he picks since the reality of potty training is that he'll have the opportunity to wear at least two or three different good guys today.

2) Berries - The local farmer's market is up and running again, and I didn't realize how much I missed it until tasting the first batch of fresh veggies.  Ben and Caroline joined me yesterday, and while I was talking to the mushroom guy about how to make portabella burgers on the grill, Ben decided to browse the berries at the next stand.  Since he helped himself to some pesticide-free raspberries (great supervision, Mom!) I decided to buy two pints to take home.  Berry Boy ate the entire pint before we even got to the car, which earned us some "what-a-good-fruit-eating-boy" looks from the stand owners and shoppers. This was a very welcome change from the "why-can't-you-keep-your-child-quiet-and-still" looks I had been collecting at every other function lately. 

3) Quiet Part 1 -- Don't tell anyone, but the calendar is completely empty both today and tomorrow. There are no school activities, meetings, lacrosse games, birthday parties, kid's activities, doctor's appointments, or anything else. Completely and blissfully clear. Ahh... Unfortunately, I just found out that the neighbors and their children (who we normally play with for hours and hours on the weekends) are headed to the shore for the holiday (Nooooooooo!), so my thoughts of productive time at home have been at least halved. Still, no schlepping!

4) Quiet Part 2 - The robins on our porch light have finally hatched.  I'm (unsuccessfully) trying to limit the noise in the entryway since the parents flee in terror from the nest every time my kids pass through the room.  I was starting to wonder if the eggs weren't going to hatch since we had disrupted the incubation so many times, but I guess the robins are more resilient than I thought.  The nest is above eye level and away from the window, so we can't watch the feedlings like we did with the cardinals' nest, but it is still nice to hear the tiny peeps so close by.

Caroline's Discovery ("Is it really, really a bird's egg?")

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