Friday, July 16, 2010

Just Dance

While I do like technological gizmos, I definitely do not have my finger on the pulse of the latest and greatest electronic stuff.  I think I lag about two or three years behind, but it might be even longer.  While I certainly appreciate all the cool things out there, I really hate reading those 100-page long instruction manuals.  "Simultaneously press buttons A-B-and-Reset to set the Time."  Also, I can't figure out how other people find out that new technology is out there to begin with.  Magazines??  Word of mouth??  Is there some "Electronic Gizmos for the Technology-Impaired" blog out there?  (If so, please leave the link in the Comments section or send me an email, OK? An intervention would be fine too.)

In a move that shocked the rest of the family, I had been hankering a Wii game system after seeing the kids play it at the neighbors house.  A video game system that you can actually exercise with and play traditional video games?  How cool is that!   The Wii went on sale at Target a few weeks ago, so I broke down and bought one -- and two games.  Then, I hid all the boxes in the closet until I could read the manual and figure it out since I thought that setting up the system would require some elaborate combination of wires and switches, like on the Atari growing up. 

Finally, when the 100 degree weather hit last week, Scott set up the Wii very quickly (much easier than I anticipated) and the kids had a blast.  Last night, we had a little family dance tournament with the game Just Dance.  For the other technology-impaired folks out there, you hold the remote in one hand, dance along with the game following the moves on the screen, getting points if you do the moves correctly.  The girls are fabulous at the game from playing it at Ruby's house (also, it's hilarious to watch all the accurate hip movements).  I tried it myself.  First, I have discovered a new skill and was able to even impress Abby with my dancing prowess.  Second, holy cow.  I broke into an actual sweat after dancing to the first song.  Scott did too.  The girls danced to five or six songs in a row!  It really is great exercise -- and a whole lot of fun!  So, thumbs up for the Wii!!

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