Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Knock, Knock

Ben has re-discovered the joy of telling knock knock jokes, and is now forcing me to participate in a seemingly endless array knock knock jokes each and every time we get into the car. Unfortunately, Ben has not yet found a sense of humor, so this knock knock phase is getting a little painful.  Here's just a little sample of the drive to the gym today:

Ben:  "Knock Knock"
Mom:  "Who's there?"
Ben: "Tree"
Mom:  "Tree who?"
Ben (laughing hilariously):  "Tree Flower!"
Mom:  "Ben, that's not funny."

Ben: "Knock Knock"
Mom (sighing deeply): "Who's there?"
Ben: "Door"
Mom: "Door who?"
Ben (laughing more hilariously): "Door window!"
Mom: "Seriously, Ben, that's not funny."

Ben: "Knock Knock"
Mom (weeping on the inside): "Who's there?"
Ben: "Insert random noun"
Mom: "Random noun who?"
Ben (hysterical belly laugh): "Random noun, Random noun!"
Mom: "Ben, can I tell you an actual joke now?"

Mom:  "Knock, Knock"
Ben:  "Who's there?"
Mom:  "Who."
Ben:  "Who Who"
Mom:  "Hey, there's an owl in here now."
Ben (side-splitting laughter):  "Mom, that's a FUNNY joke."
(Ben then tells another 20 or so of his version of the knock knock joke)

Please pray that this phase ends before our 3 hour drive to the beach....

Heard at the house today:
Caroline:  "Mom, can you get me a paper towel, I made some milk drips."
Mom:  "Just use a cloth towel, dear."
Caroline (ecstatically):  "Oh, wait!  Here's a paper towel right here on the floor!  Oh boy!  This is going to be a GREAT DAY!"  (This was the happiest I've heard Caroline in two days?!  I guess I should not pick up paper products off the floor more often???)

I seriously do not get what makes these kids tick sometimes...

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