Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lacrosse Rating Day!

A few months ago, I mentioned that I was going to be trying for my district lacrosse rating, which means I would be eligible to do Division III NCAA games (college games) in additional to my current high school schedule.  I was originally supposed to be rated in mid-June, but there were too many candidates for that tournament, so my rating session was moved to mid-July.  So, today was the big day.  Rating Day. 

I won't lie, I was completely nervous.  I hadn't picked up my whistle since playoffs in mid-May, so I was worried I'd be rusty.  I reviewed the rulebook, but knowing the rules is different than seeing them in a game, running at full speed, while having a team of your peers scrutinizing your every move, with pen in hand.  I also hadn't previously worked with many of the officials that would be rating me, which is both good and bad.  Good from the perspective that I'd be getting some unbiased feedback, bad in that I'm on good terms with pretty much all the officials I've worked with and it's always nice to have that kind of cordial relationship when getting evaluated.

So, this morning off I went to the Upper Atlantic Lacrosse Tournament, a giant bundle of nerves.  I noticed that the sky was overcast and knew that it might rain today, but I didn't think much of it.  Well, I should have looked at the forecast.  About 25 minutes into the 8am game, the heavens opened and the rest of the game was played in a torrential downpour.  I've never been outside in rain like this -- there were at least 2 inches of standing water on the entire surface of the turf field, in the span of about 10 minutes.  C-R-A-Z-Y rain.  Some of the girls gave up playing and started piling up their lacrosse sticks to build an ark, just in case.

Then there was lightening and all the players and officials waited inside for 2 hours to get back onto the fields (sitting inside an air conditioned building with dripping clothes....brrr) my nerves continued.  After the tournament scheduled was juggled and the rain went from torrential to just regular rain, the games continued.  Aside from completely wiping out at one point (kersplat on the turf -- yes, I even splashed), I think things went pretty well.  I got the requisite list of things I could do better, some amazingly helpful advice about positioning from an official from upstate New York, and a few nice complements too.  Now -- the waiting begins.  The evaluators will get together and decide if that coveted District Rating is mine or not.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.....

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