Monday, March 15, 2010

Hark! It's the Carpet!!

This weekend we found Caroline's carpet!  If you'd seen her room of late, you would know that this was no small feat. Caroline is the keeper of all the teeny tiny toys in the house (e.g., Polly Pockets, Calico Critters, Pet Shop, Dollhouse, etc.).  Her room had become a giant jumble of little colored plastic things strewn in a thin layer over the entire floor.  Actually, I'm embarrassed to admit that her room had started spilling out into the hallway.

In the past, when we cleaned up her room, the cleaning consisted of putting one type of toy into a ziploc bag or box and then sticking the container either on the closet floor or around the perimeter of the room.  Even though her room was picked up, it didn't really feel clean. 

Perhaps fueled by the super fun doctor's visit on Friday or pent up energy from being stuck inside (but more likely from subliminal advertising on Clean House), I decided to tackle Caroline's room and find some sort of system of organization.  Target anticipated my need to declutter and kindly put their cubby storage system on sale this weekend (thanks Target!).

Caroline and Abby really got into helping me clean things up, especially when she saw the labels I made for the bin.  The labels, unfortuantely, aren't staying on too well with tape, so I'll have to break out the glue gun later to make this more permanent, but you get the idea.  There's one type of toy per bin.  They're easy to take out and easy to put away.  The real test will be to see whether this level of cleaness can be maintained for any period of time.

It's too bad I don't have a before and after shot, but I probably would have gotten a call from Social Services for the before shot anyway.  Here's the end result:    

AND this wasn't even the only home progress for the weekend!  Scott hung some blinds in the bathroom, so we no longer have a sheet over the window!  We're expecting calls from the neighbors later today expressing their thanks on this one.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. adorable! we have that exact same cabinet in my girls room for all of their teeny-tiny toys - its been a lifesaver!
