Thursday, February 11, 2010

Getting Punchy

I am completely in awe of the second blizzard we had within the same week.  Twenty-four or so inches of snow on top of the other 24" we just got.  It's really hard to believe. There's so much snow you can't appreciate how much snow there is.  The shorter trees look like bushes now.  Fortunately, we're nice and toasty inside, albeit with a little cabin fever.  Scott had to work from yesterday and home today, so we don't have the vacation-type atmosphere of Saturday's blizzard, but I did cut the grilled cheese sandwiches on the diagonal to make things a little more festive at lunchtime.  Crazy, I know.

I think, though, everyone is getting a little punchy.

Ben:  "Mom, look I'm wearing my boots."
Mom:  "Those are some nice snow boots, Ben." (Ben's wearing snow boots with pajamas)
Ben:  "Mom, can you take off my pants now?"
Mom:  "Why?"
Ben:  "I just want to wear the boots."

(Note that after typing this excerpt, Ben played in the snow boots outside and managed to completely lose one boot in a snow drift.  Anyone care to wager when we'll find it?  I'm guessing early March.)

Scott:  "CC, do you want to hear what I'm working on?  It's my work."
CC:  "Sure honey, you can read me any sentence without an acronym."
Scott:  (long pause and skimming through long report)
CC:  "I'm going to go back to my book now, ok?"
Scott: (a while later) "Ah-ha!  Found one!  Table 2 shows the project impacts!"
CC:  "Anything else?"
Scott:  ""

Ok.  Maybe these stories aren't that great.  But, they were highly amusing at the time here.  Like I said, we're getting a little punchy!

Here are some "snow-tographs" as the local new station likes to call them:

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