Monday, February 8, 2010

Snowbound Vacation

Believe it or not, this past weekend we went on vacation.  At least it felt like it. While the rest of the Philadelphia region was in the grips of the second largest snowfall to hit the area ever, we ate an impromptu prime rib dinner, made chocolate cookies, drank hot chocolate, played with lots of friends, went sledding, and even relaxed a little.

I don't think I've ever gotten over that school-aged thrill of hearing the snow delays announced on the radio.  I used to turn on WBAL and crossed my fingers to hear, "Baltimore County School: 2 hours late."  Or the ultimate thrill, "Baltimore County Schools: Closed!!!"  Of course, since this was Saturday, there was no school to worry about. But, I was hoping that all the snow would mean that we would have to postpone the regular weekend errands and give me a legitimate reason to lounge around in my pajamas.  Wish granted! Although I never saw a final "official" total, I think we received about 24" to 26" of snow. As Scott dramatically declared, "We were on LOCKDOWN."

Although kids make almost everything more difficult, they are absolutely fabulous for bonding with the neighbors and total complete strangers.  As a matter of fact, one of my friends met her best friend in the baby aisle at Kmart discussing the relative merits of various diaper brands (true story).  So when the kids started bouncing off the walls a little, we bundled them up and sent them outside to play in the blizzard with all the other neighborhood kids bouncing off their respective walls. The kids bounced around from house to house to house, inside and out.  We completely lucked into a delicious prime rib dinner at and couple of rounds of pool dinner at another neighbor's house.   Lots of unexpected fun!

I thought Sunday would bring us back to reality, and it did in a way since we got back to business with the chores (cooking, laundry, etc.) but the fun happily continued with more impromptu playdates and even a few hours of world-class sledding on the local hills.  Ben even got into the sledding action.  All in all a very pleasant weekend!  It felt like a vacation without having to pack.  Perhaps a lot of the spirit of vacation lies in breaking up the routine and in the mindset, and not so much about the locale. 

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